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Answering the Call

Being a part of the healing starts with each of us - healing for ourselves and healing for each other.

This is a time of great upheaval and change, with nothing more important than the physical, mental and emotional state of ourselves and our nation. Managing your own health allows you to stand grounded in the place and calling you have in this unique time, and my call is to protect and equip my Clients in that endeavor.


I want to add my voice to the call to help slow the progression of COVID-19 and mitigate its impact by following the recommendations of medical and public health experts and other public officials.  As I follow carefully the plan to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 cases in order to help the health system, I want to model prudent action and keep my clients as well as myself and family healthy. To that end, I will move my client practice to a Virtual format and will not see clients in person until public health experts recommend returning to that practice. This change will happen immediately.

The fantastic news is that this changes nothing in terms of the effectiveness, efficiency, and transformation of your work with me. I have been doing Virtual Care out of state and country for years, and am wholly confident in the impact of this treatment in virtual spaces. While it will be a change for Clients used to seeing me in person, there are other benefits to Clients being in their home space, surrounded by what they know and can draw on. I'm looking forward to seeing the different ways that this expanding space benefits my Clients, our relationship, and the work we do.

Together we go, partnering with each other in service of the whole. Thank you for being a part of answering the call with me.

How Does it Work?

How Does it Work?



For all scheduled clients, you will receive a Zoom Video Call Link on your email confirmation (if there is overlap for clients in the next few days you may receive a Zoom Video Call link from my personal email address).  Confirmation emails will also include a link for


We encourage you to try the link at least 15 minutes before your session (rather than scrambling at time of service) to make sure that it works.  Zoom has an app or can be accessed on your browser by following the link provided. The confirmation email will explain how to follow the link for Zoom if you have not done so before. 


You will also have phone numbers, FAQs, and tech support to contact for help. If you have any trouble with your wifi and the audio is not clear, I will have given you a Quick Tap phone number to use on your phone, which uses a Zoom call ID number so you can easily hear from your phone while you watch from a computer.  You can also do this easily from a phone, Zoom app or Browser.  


Muscle Checking:  Is done by having you squeeze a ball or your hands together.  This activates the brain in a similar way to muscle checking and also acts as biofeedback to send messages to your brain.

AcuSpark or “Sparking”:  Long before the AcuSpark came on board, Brain Integration Therapists had their clients do the BIT exercises that I ask you to do at home daily.  These are done throughout the session and I add Tapping on Acupressure points as needed.  

Indoor Tools For Parents

Indoor Tools for Parents


( for: actual quarantine, school closures, weekend social distancing, anytime!)


  • Have each kid pick a topic they'd like to learn about and spend 30 mins each day on that topic

  • ABCMouse - Free for now

  • Epic! - Free for now

  • Douglas county library has extra digital checkouts available at this time (more borrows/month and less wait time).  Check out e-books; audiobooks; downloadable magazine; movies, TV and kid’s videos; and music.

  • Spend one day reading every single picture book we have in the house

  • Go through all the old mail laying around (ok, that one's not for kids although they do enjoy helping tear stuff up)

  • Bake something every day

  • Have each kid write a letter and/or emails to a different friend or family member each day

  • Use all of our building toys on one giant structure

  • Wash our hands!!!!

  • Races of various kinds in the backyard (hopping on one foot, crabwalk, walking backwards, etc.)

  • Try stop motion animation with playdough

  • Facetime grandparents a lot

  • Watch everything on Disney+

  • Inventory the plants & wildlife (from bugs on up) in your yard.

  • Learn the parts of plants/flowers & how they function (bonus if they learn the Latin names).

  • If you aren't too squeamish & have a spare clear shoebox size tote or 5-10 gallon tank, catch some pillbugs (rolly pollies, sowbugs) & observe them (if you really do this, i can tell you how to set them up. i have about a thousand of them currently because it's too cold here to thin the herd & they've been reproducing all winter. they're pretty interesting).

  • Write a short story & illustrate it.

  • Learn how to do simple book binding.

  • Make paper (from your old mail!)

  • Have the kids help with yardwork in between playing games outside. They're little, but they like getting dirty and "working" in the gardens.

  • GoNoodle! Great for guided movement, relaxation, etc.

  • Board games, card games

  • Legos 

  • Virtual Field Trips

  • We have some extreme dot to dot books (1400 dots) that the kids love, especially the 5 year old! 

  • Lots of reading, playing with the dog, 

  • Working on learning to sew using stuff we have on hand. 

  • Card making/scrapbooking projects (mostly for me but kids can do it too). 

  • Getting the garden ready, we need to weed and work the ground. I might get seeds and we'll set up to have our own starts this year.

  • Make tents and reading caves : ) flashlights, tidy snacks, books, and pillows!

  • Have a shadow show in the reading tent (we used blankets over chairs or a table)

  • Get binoculars and learn about the birds near your house, look them up on google and search for their birdcalls on YouTube

  • Learn how to make a stuffed animal

  • Play with cornstarch and water and cheap action figures

  • many educational websites are waving fees if your students school is closed

  • Here’s a list of all of them that are waving fees

  • Collect a bunch of tape markers and cardboard boxes. That'll keep them busy for a day or two.

  • Watch all the hand washing videos & vote on your favorite. Discuss why each good, helpful, funny. The Holderness parody one is hilarious, the Vietnam Tiktok one is great choreography, some have good songs etc.

  • Also pick your favorite song with a 20 second refrain or verse perfect for hand washing length of time.

  • Family puzzles. Ones that are 500-1000 pieces and a challenging but not frustrating picture

  • We homeschool (4 kids) and honestly, just have fun!!!!!

  • Team up and really clean and organize each kid's space, making a donation box for each. Parents are included.

  • Have a board game day

  • kids can also make their own games! Board games, card games, you name it! My daughter spent a lot of time this winter creating soccer and football games played with cards for moves and pieces made out of legos

  • Write a story cooperatively. One person picks a character and the other picks a setting and then go gangbusters together.

  • the folding picture story one! We called it “eat poop you cat” one person draws a small picture across the top of a paper the next person writes a sentence that describes that picture and folds Over the paper top of the paper hot dog style to cover the picture. So the 3rd person only sees a sentence and they have to draw a picture. They fold over the sentence.

  • Any and all art is fun at home: beading, painting, drawing, play dough or kinetic sand, sewing, etc. when my daughter was young we could do art all day.

  • Massive board game tournament with all the (mostly forgotten) board games we own!

  • Stolen from “growing up global fb page”

  • If your school is going on #quarantine and running #schoolonline, get #GlobalKids for the special price of just $10.98. Take a screen-free, curiosity + creativity boosting, global empathy + engagement trip around the world, from comfort of your home

  • My daughter (6) has enjoyed doing yoga at home. There are kid-friendly YouTube videos and printed cards with poses.

  • Zumba or Dance-along videos on YouTube

  • We home school exclusively and the best advice I have is check out Pinterest. There are tons of ideas for activities, games, etc. 

  • Draw self portraits on blank faces 

  • color coded different interesting places on a map. 

  • I've had them draw maps of places and then make directions from one place to another to see if someone else could follow it. 

  • We've done scavenger hunts, indoor treasure hunts where they follow clues through the house to a "treasure" at the end (could be candy, a movie, whatever), and a lot of charades.

  • I made videos with my 3rd grade daughter teaching kids how to write code. Check out the videos here

  • My daughter wanted a doll house for her 18" dolls. We saved cardboard boxes and got more from Dollar general and got to work. The closets and couch are cardboard as well. 

  • There are a few easy "kitchen chemistry" type science experiments that are easy to do, like making slime, baking soda and vinegar reaction, etc.

  • we put food coloring under the baking soda in a mini muffin pan and used Pipette to drop vinegar in and then you can see the color!

  • Last summer we did an experiment to learn what each ingredient did for a cake (so we made one following the recipe, one without eggs, one without milk, etc.). We then compared and contrasted the different cakes ... Then we ate a lot of weird cake.

  • There are a bunch of ideas on the lab section of our webpage! And we have letters from women in STEM around the world!

  • give the dogs a bath and brush 

  • wash and clean out my car (mostly their food trash and dirty socks)

  • mow the lawn (my 11 year old just learned!)

  • play sidewalk chalk outside

  • glow stick party

  • popcorn + movie marathon

  • Listen to kid podcasts - we love story pirates and smash boom best. 

  • Declutter toys! 

  • Have an Olympics with a bunch of events competitions - funny ones, helpful ones like cleaning and really fun ones like minute to win in style.

  • Learn new card games

  • We’re going to learn to make sushi!

  • Lots of art projects! 

  • Dig up all the activity books, presents, etc that never got played with, and use those!

  • There’s always time tested building a tent in the house with blankets and chairs. Great for just before nap time.

  • We are going to bust out our hiking gear and try new hiking paths. As long as you stay away from over populated areas you will naturally stay a safe distance from others and sick people generally don't hike!

  • Do a study on planets, then have the kids create their own planets- how big is it, where in the universe is it located, atmosphere conditions, can it sustain life, how long is a day/year, name it, etc.

  • you could even spread the planets out around the house to show "approx." distance from each other. 

  • Watch this to learn about relative distance

  • Design a new space craft, draw plans, then create out of legos or household items. Spend some time pretending you're on different planets with different gravity, you could seriously spend a whole week on just fun space activities.

  • But that's not limited to space- these ideas would work for animals, geography, body systems, historical events/time periods, etc. Beyond that, do some fun physics experiments like making a bridge out of straws, egg drop protectors, paper airplanes, etc.

  • PuppetMaster:  an app where you can animate anything from a drawing to a stuffed animal.

  • Practice spinning poi - my daughter is just learning how to spin and it’s been fun practicing together.

  • Puzzle races: put several puzzles (20+ piece puzzles) in a paper bag and shake it up. Pour pieces out and give each person the puzzle box they are to put together. Go! (Cooperation tends to be a result as pieces are traded.)

  • Dig through cabinets and figure out recipes for that thing you got at the grocery store and thought "this is interesting surely it can be used for something!" And then make it!

  • Audible!

  • Water play

  • Make ice cream

  • Make and play with Play dough

  • Gardening

  • I let them “paint the fence” with washable paints outside

  • My mother used to let us put on swimsuits and get out our beach towels and have a pretend beach party on rainy or snowy days, complete with Beach Boys music.

Help With Zoom

Help With Zoom

Zoom Troubleshooting:  follow this link if you have any problems.


Video Tutorial on how to Join a Zoom Call meeting:


We encourage you to try the link at least 15 minutes before your session (rather than scrambling at time of service) to make sure that it works...which is probably less then your drive time to get to me!  Zoom has an app for your mobile, or can be accessed on your browser by following the link provided above. You can also contact the following phone numbers to text for help if you cannot figure out the troubleshooting page.  

Jen:  720-667-7187

Jaynee:  303-883-6109

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